05:00 pmLocation:
Sullivan HallSullivan Hall
The NC State University Police has received reports of burglaries to unoccupied rooms located inside of Sullivan Hall. The incidents are reported to have occurred between March 9, 2020 and May 4, 2020. There is no suspect information.
The campus community is always encouraged to take the following steps to keep themselves safe:
– Assailants target residences where doors and windows are left unlocked or unsecured. Always lock residence doors and windows when at home and when you leave.
– Assailants may try to gain access into a residence by using force or deception. Don’t open your door for or let someone in your residence that you don’t know.
– If you feel unsafe in any situation, trust your instinct and contact University Police immediately to report suspicious activities or crimes on campus by calling 911 or 919-515-3000.
In compliance with the Timely Notice provisions of the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus crime Statistics Act of 1998, Campus Police are giving notice of a disturbing act of violence. Please share the information contained in this crime warning with other people on campus who may not have seen it.