Programs, Services & Community Training
Wolf guard ID Program
Having your items lost or stolen isn’t fun. While we can’t guarantee nothing bad will ever happen to your high-dollar items, we can provide you with an extra layer of protection. By completing a WolfGuard Registration Form, you can register the serial numbers and any other identifying information with our department. This information is stored in a database, accessed only by the NCSU police department. WolfGuard Registration is open to all members of our campus community.
Whether you are studying for an exam late at night or just have an uneasy feeling while walking on campus, we are here to support you. The University Police Department can provide a walking escort to your vehicle, an area Wolfline bus stop or from one on campus building to another on campus building, depending on distance
An onsite security assessment conducted by officers experienced in Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and criminal activity. Officers will perform an evaluation of current security measures and make recommendations on ways to mitigate risk and lower victimization.
Officers are assigned to Residence Halls, University Department/Colleges, and they are required to work with staff, faculty and students in those areas to collectively provide programming, problem solving, and community relations among the residents or users of those areas. This program is designed to build relationships, provide education through safety programs, recognize and minimize potential risks.
The campus watch program is a concerted effort to inform the NC State University community of measures that can be taken to provide a safer and more secure environment. The aim of the program is for each member of the community to act as an extension of the NC State University Police Department by serving as an observer and reporter. Campus Watch calls upon members of the community to step forward and assist in building a safer campus and community for all.
If you have any questions about the information on this page, please contact the Crime Prevention Unit by email or by phone at 919-515-5963.
The Ride-Along Program is designed to increase understanding between Officers and our campus community. Members of the campus community are permitted to ride in Department vehicles as passenger observers for civic or educational purposes. Participation in the Ride-Along Program is open to all individuals affiliated with NCSU. To request a Ride-Along, email our Career Development Unit at Policereruiting@ncsu.edu.
Attention NCSU Students! Are you interested in a career in Law Enforcement? Want to understand how integral the NCSU police department is to our campus community? Want to meet great people and learn real-world, transferable skills? If your answer is yes to any of the above, an internship at our department is right for you.
Note: Internship programs are only available to individuals affiliated with NCSU. A background check must be completed in order to attend this program.
BlueLight Telephone System
NC State University utilizes Bluelight emergency call boxes and Security Stanchions that are strategically located on campus to provide a way for those who may need assistance or another method to contact the NC State University Police Department’s 911 Center. One of the benefits of using these emergency call devices is an Emergency Communications Officer will know your exact location.
Vehicle unlocking and vehicle jump start requests will only be accommodated if they
- Occur on University property and
- Only if there is an emergency need for the service.
All other requests will be denied. For the purpose of these services, an emergency circumstance includes but is not limited to the following examples:
- Child locked in a vehicle
- Vehicle broken down in a hazardous area (including fire lane
If you have lost property and you think it may be in the possession of the police department, please contact the department’s Crime Prevention Unit at the email link below. You will need to show proof of ownership to have the items returned to you. The department’s Property Custodian can be reached at 919-515-5300 or emailed at ncsupdproperty@ncsu.edu. Anyone attempting to obtain property being stored by the NCSU Police Department must call 919-515-5300 to schedule an appointment to meet with the Property Custodian prior to arriving at the NCSU Police Department. Other departments and buildings on campus maintain lost and found repositories If you have lost an item in a known area, please contact that entity’s lost and found administrator.
If you are looking for an item that was lost at either Carmichael Gym, James B. Hunt Jr. Library, or D.H. Hill Library you can use the below contact information to see if the item has been turned to their lost and found:
-Carmichael Gym Lost and Found: 919-515-3508
-James B. Hunt Jr. Library Lost and Found: 919-515-7110
-DH Hill Library Lost and Found: 919-515-3364, email: library_circulation@ncsu.edu
NC State University Police officers, fire marshals, and support staff are a smart addition to your gathering . If you wish to request police officers for your event, please complete the application at the page below at least three weeks prior to the event. Applications can also be obtained from Libby Pena at 919-513-0384.
Training Opportunities
Danger can strike in an instant. Our Active Threat Response program highlights the importance of observing your surroundings, preparing yourself mentally, and understanding your own capabilities to protect yourself and others during an Active Threat. This program is designed to be an open dialog discussion around three scenarios when confronted with an active threat, as well as pros and cons of each. We offer this program to all members of our campus community.
This course offers situational awareness and threat assessment information. It provides a framework for assessing individuals, environments and situations for threats and provides an action plan for these situations. We offer this program to all members of our campus community. The course is approximately 2.5-3 hours long and is open to all members of our campus community.
Experience what it’s like to work as a police officer at NC State. Our eight (8) week Citizens’ academy, offered in the spring semester, explores all of the functions the department has to offer. The program includes mock traffic stops, mock domestic violence calls, mock suspect interviews, the opportunity to shoot police issued firearms and hands-on crime scene investigation techniques. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and engage with various members of the Police Department from multiple units.
Taught by certified instructors, RAD is an intense and dynamic three (3) day, self-defense program for women that places strong emphasis on avoidance methods. The student is taught a wide range of options for defense. The program employs the use of a mock attacker (dressed in protective gear) so that students may practice full contact striking-techniques. This program is offered to female members of our campus community.
An acceptable self-defense weapon, pepper spray is authorized to be carried throughout campus. Learn proper techniques on how to effectively carry, use, and deploy it in self-defense situations. Training can be completed in as little as one (1) hour and can be offered to individuals or groups. Note: Pepper Spray is NOT allowed in sporting venues on campus to include Carter Finley Stadium and Reynolds Coliseum.